Last updated: May 24, 2024



This Website https://www.emindally.com/ is operated by eMindAlly Pty Ltd., an Australian private company registered under ABN 59 642 377 464 and ACN 642 377 464, with the locality of its registered office at OATLANDS, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2117, Australia. The aim of this Website is to provide information about Services offered by Us to the public. We strive to ensure the accuracy of information on this Website and update it as necessary.




The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.


APP refers to the Australian Privacy Principle and has the meaning given in the Privacy Act.

"Clinician/s" refers to Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Accredited Social Workers, or Mental Health Counsellors.

"Client" refers to the person receiving telehealth services and can be written as You, Your, User, Patient in these Terms.

"eMindAlly Pty Ltd" refers to the Company and can be written as eMindAlly, "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in these Terms.

Identification information imports its meaning as defined under the Privacy Act in general and includes the information that We collect ,use ,store and/or disclose as provided under our Privacy Policy (https://www.emindally.com/privacy-policy) in particular.

"Privacy Act" means Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and "Privacy Law" means the Privacy Act and any other Law or enforceable codes and guidelines regulating the collection, use and/or disclosure of Identification and Sensitive Information that apply to the Company or by which the Company is bound.

Sensitive Information imports its meaning as defined under the Privacy Act in general and includes the information that We collect, use, store and/or disclose as described under our Privacy Policy (https://www.emindally.com/privacy-policy) in particular.

"Terms and Conditions/ Terms of Use are the standard terms and conditions set forth in this document and include any special terms agreed in writing between the Client and eMindAlly Pty Ltd.

Visitor refers to an individual / entity who uses the Website only for the purpose of browsing.




These are the Terms and Conditions governing the use of this Service and the agreement that operates between You and the Company. These Terms and Conditions set out the rights and obligations of all Users regarding the use of the Service. Additionally, wherever applicable these Terms shall also apply to Visitors and Clinicians. Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

By accessing or using the Service You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If You disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, then You may not access the Service.

You certify that you are over the age of 18 years or if you are under the age of 18 years that you have consent from a parent or guardian. Consent will include providing your guardians name and contact details. We also require an email from Your guardian/parent to confirm their consent before Your first appointment. Only adults who can form legally binding contracts will be able to appropriate and access Our Services.

By using Our Website, You certify that You have consent from a parent or guardian who is 18 years of age or older, competent to assume legally-binding obligations, and has resources available to fully honor those obligations that you undertake. If you are the legal guardian of another person who is in need of Our Services , You hereby accept full liability for any harm caused by their wrongful use of Our Services. Additionally, eMindAlly reserves the right to refuse, limit, and/or restrict our services to anyone, for any reason, at any time, and at Our sole discretion.

Your access to and use of the Service is also conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company (https://www.emindally.com/privacy-policy). Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your Identification and Sensitive information when You use the Website and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the Privacy Act protects You. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.



1. You can use Our Website as a Clinician. Clinicians at eMindAlly agree to practice in accordance with the Ethics Codes and Codes of Conduct as provided by the Australian Psychological Society (APS)APS Code of Ethics or Medical Board of Australia Good Medical Practice - Code of Conduct for Practitioners in AustraliaGood medical practice: a code of conduct for doctors in Australia, and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). These terms are applicable to the Clinicians in addition to the individual and respective Contract between the Clinician and the Company.

2.You can use Our Website as a Visitor, which means you decide to use Our Website passively without actively engaging in a specific transaction or interaction beyond browsing.

3.You can use Our Website as a Client.

These terms will apply however you use Our Website.

We grant You the right to access and use of the Website in accordance with your relevant authorization (that is, as a Clinician, Visitor, or Client). The right to use the Website is non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited by and subject to these Terms. Your use of the Online Services (including any Information), these Terms of Use, and any dispute arising out of such use of the Online Services (including any Information) or these Terms of Use are subject to the laws of New South Wales, Australia. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales and any Courts of Appeal from them.





1.       eMindAlly is an online mental health platform that provides telepsychiatry services via teleconsultation to the Clients. Whenever We use the words "Your Clinician" or "Your doctor" or similar words on the Website, including in these Terms of Use, We mean Your personal doctor with whom You have an actual, mutually acknowledged, doctor-patient relationship. The Information contained in, or accessed through, the Website is for your general information and use only and is not intended to be or be used as medical advice.

2.      eMindAlly does not replace Your relationship with Your Clinician. The information interpreted SHOULD NOT be relied upon as a substitute for sound professional medical advice, evaluation, or care from Your Clinician.

3.      You acknowledge that the Clinicians empanelled with Us are independent contractors and thereby eMindAlly has an independent contractor relationship with them and therefore in no event We will be directly or vicariously liable for any advice or medical consultancy or any loss arising therefrom that the Clinicians may provide to You or You may avail as part of the Services.


4.      You acknowledge that although some of the content, text, data, graphics, images, information, suggestions, guidance, and other material (collectively, Information) that is provided to You on the Website [or when You submit the Enquiry Form or the Intake Form or when contacted via telephone on the submission of Enquiry Form on the Website ] may be provided by individuals in the administrative capacity, the provision of such Information does not create a Doctor/Clinician-patient relationship, but is provided to inform You on various medical conditions, medical diagnosis and treatment and it does not constitute a direct medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Everything on the Website/Email/Phone/Enquiry and Intake forms or any attachment in the email should be used for information purposes only.


5.      Any kind of personal medical advice, treatment or diagnosis are not permitted through Our Website, and by using the Website You agree not to solicit or use any information as if it were personal advice, treatment, or diagnosis. Whenever You want personal medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis, after the completion of all administrative formalities You will be able to personally consult the designated Clinician via HALAXY [https://www.halaxy.com/] which is third party patient management system that We use to provide You with the Services along with ZOOM[https://zoom.us/] for conducting teleconsultation.



6.      The inclusion of these Clinicians on the Website does not imply recommendation or endorsement of such specialists nor is such information intended as a tool for verifying the credentials, qualifications, or abilities of any specialist contained therein. Such information is provided on an as-is basis and eMindAlly disclaims all warranties, either express or implied.


7.      Information provided (if any) may be used to assist you to manage non-acute medical conditions and map you with a Clinician. It shall in no manner be considered as a diagnostic tool. Any information provided through the Website and use of these services shall not be considered as medical advice, nor it is a substitute for independent professional advice and should not be used or relied on as an alternative to professional health care. If you have a particular medical problem pertaining to psychiatry, please consult a Clinician.



8.      The Website may not be used for illegal purposes. The Information and Services may not be used for any illegal purpose. You may not access our networks, computers, or the Information and Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair them, or interfere with any other person's use and enjoyment. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Information or Services, computer systems, or networks connected with the Website, the Information, or Services. You may not use any automated means (such as a scraper) to access the Website, the Information, or Services for any purpose. Such unauthorized access is an express and direct violation of these Terms of Use and of applicable law(s), including relevant privacy and security laws and laws prohibiting unfair or unethical business practices.


9.      Your right to use the Services is not transferable.



10.  Clients who sign up for the services by filling the Enquiry Form implicitly agree to the Terms and Conditions outlined here and in our Privacy Policy [insert Privacy policy link]. Enquiry form needs You to provide Your Name, Mobile number, and Email Id and hence we insist You read our Privacy Policy to make an informed decision regarding how Your Personal Information is collected, stored, used and shared. Once the Enquiry form is submitted, we will require following details in the Intake form for Us to deliver the best professional service. After filling of the Intake Form and processing of the responses provided by You including the review of the referral by Your General Practitioner (GP), our administrative staff shall allocate a Clinician for You based on the client's condition and symptoms vis a vis specialisation and the availability of the Clinician. After a referral is allocated and reviewed, Clinicians will provide reports to the referring doctor based on the client's condition and symptoms. Clients must follow up with their referring GP to implement the recommended management plans.


We handle clients' personal Identification Information with the highest level of privacy and professionalism. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy available on our website [insert hyperlink to privacy policy].

The Privacy Policy sets out:

  1. the type of information collected from Clients, including Sensitive Information and personal Identifiable Information.
  2. the purpose, means and modes of usage of such information; and
  3. how and to whom eMindAlly will disclose such information.
  4. the Clients are expected to read and understand the Privacy Policy, to ensure that he or she has the knowledge of the fact that the information is being collected; the purpose for which the information is being collected; the intended recipients of the information; and the various rights available to such Users in respect of such information.

eMindAlly may disclose or transfer User Information (as defined in the Privacy Policy) to an overseas entity, and You hereby consent to such transfer. The APP permits eMindAlly to transfer Identification and Sensitive Information to an overseas entity provided that it ensures the same level of data protection that is adhered to by eMindAlly as provided for under the APP and where the User has consented to data transfer.

By accepting these Terms of Use of the Website, You consent to be contacted by Us and further consent to receive Calls, emails and messages (SMS) notifications by the Company and information from Us for Service delivery related issues.


Contacting us by way of email/phone number or by way of filling the Enquiry form is free. eMindAlly does not charge any fee for accessing or browsing through the Website. Most services provided by Clinicians are privately charged depending on the nature and the type of Service provided with eligible Medicare rebates. The details of the fee are provided to the Client after the submission of the Enquiry form and completion of the administrative formalities. eMindAlly administration will inform clients of the fees/fee schedule in advance along with the details of the Medicare rebates as applicable.

Kindly note that the appointment will only be confirmed once the payment has been made through direct transfer to Our account. The link for the Online Telehealth Consultation via ZOOM shall be mailed once the Total Fees has been paid.

You need to send us payment proof for transactions You make to eMindAlly via bank transfer so that your payment can be reconciled accordingly. If there are delays, you are expected to follow up with your bank and check on such matters. All prices quoted are in Australian dollars.


We will use Your mobile phone (or any other mode of communication being used by the Company) to send you a reminder of your appointment at eMindAlly. You MUST confirm this by responding to the text as soon as possible after receiving. If You cannot attend Your appointment, You MUST notify us with at least 24 hours notice. We charge a cancellation fee of $100 if you do not attend and have not notified Us with 24 hours advance notice.

Additional charges may apply for appointment changes, or document preparation when sent to a different Clinician than the allotted one. All quoted prices shall be valid until changes are implemented by eMindAlly. We reserve the right to change fees and alter our billing process at Our sole discretion.

Our Company utilizes a third-party Patient and Practice management system software HALAXY. This platform allows our Clinicians to connect with Clients manage appointments and maintain patient records. We collect identifiable information and sensitive data from You for the purpose of administrative convenience including assigning the Client to a Practitioner according to their specialisation and availability. This information is essential for coordinating teleconsultations effectively. Clinicians and Clients using our Services consent to the use of HALAXY for appointment management and record-keeping. We remain transparent about our reliance on third-party software. platform and decision and choice, We request you to visit their Website and read about their Terms for their website Website and Services - Terms and Conditions for Consumers and their privacy policy https://www.halaxy.com/article/privacy as the responsibility for addressing the breach of data which may occur due to the usage of third party software platform and implementation of corrective actions lies with them. Additionally, Our teleconsultation services utilize Zoom as the platform for connecting practitioners with patients. Zoom allows real-time video consultations, appointment management, and secure communication. Zoom complies with applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which it operates. We request you to visit their Website and read about their Terms and Conditions for their Website Zoom Terms of Service | Zoom and their privacy policy Zoom Privacy Statement as the responsibility for addressing the breach of data which occurs via the third party software platform and implementing corrective actions lies with them.


At eMindAlly, Our administrative staff will make adequate records and keep these records for a minimum of seven (7) years after the last Client contact. Your records will be kept by means which complies with the Privacy Act and law and in compliance with Australian Privacy Principles. At the expiration of this period, the records will be disposed of by way of electronic deletion.


Some Online Services will require your computer, telephone, internet access, device, and associated equipment to meet certain technical levels (System Requirements) to receive such services. eMindAlly takes no responsibility for problems associated with or arising from your inability to access or receive the services due to your computer, telephone, device, associated equipment, or internet speed not meeting the System Requirements.


eMindAlly does not offer emergency or crisis services. The platform is designed for non-emergency situations. For emergencies, clients should contact local mental health services, call 000, or visit an emergency department. Lifeline is also available for crisis support at 13 11 14.


eMindAlly is not a medical or healthcare provider and does not assume liability for medical or healthcare services obtained through our platform. All healthcare practitioners practice independently. Clients should consult with qualified healthcare practitioners for medical inquiries. Information on the eMindAlly platform is not a substitute for professional medical advice.


The domain name https://www.emindally.com/, an internet-based portal is owned and operated by eMindAlly Pty Ltd. All intellectual property rights in the Online Services and Information, including (without limitation) text, graphics, architecture, and coding (including any copyright subsisting in them), is owned by eMindAlly or licensed to us. You may access and download the Information on or from the Website where available to the extent permitted and in accordance with these Terms of Use and any relevant Additional Terms, but you may not, unless otherwise permitted by law, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit, any of the Information in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the owner or exclusive licensor of the material.

The Website and/or Information contained therein may contain trademarks owned by eMindAlly and You may not display or use in any manner any trademarks featured on the Website or in any Information without the prior written permission of the trademark owner.


We promote a safe and respectful environment. Abusive, threatening, or intimidating behaviour towards our staff, practitioners, or other users is not tolerated. eMindAlly reserves the right to terminate services for users who violate these terms.

Whenever you use video call service through Zoom, you must not attempt to record the video or audio of your video call or take screenshots or copies of images of your video call; abuse, intimidate, threaten, or otherwise violate those using or delivering the video call service; or engage in behaviour that is pornographic, violent, discriminatory, defamatory, or otherwise offensive.

We reserve the right to terminate your video call if you fail to comply with these Terms of Use (Online Services). We also reserve the right to continue the call but cease the camera operation if the Clinician considers it to be appropriate in the circumstances.


For complaints related to Psychiatry or Psychology Services, please address them directly to Your Clinician For service-related/administrative concerns, contact us at [email protected] with sufficient details to address your complaint. We will investigate and respond within 30 days.


While eMindAlly takes great care in ensuring the quality and accuracy of the information and online services provided, we acknowledge various factors may impact the content:

1.    Continuing Research and Clinical Experience: The information is subject to ongoing research, evolving clinical practices, and varying opinions among experts. We strive to keep the content current, but new findings may emerge that affect its accuracy.

2.    Unique Individual Circumstances: Each persons situation is distinct, and the applicability of general health information may vary. Users should exercise their own judgment when using our online services and carefully evaluate the relevance of available information to their specific needs.

3.    Human Error Possibility: Despite our best efforts, errors can occur during the preparation/presentation of information. We do not provide any express or implied warranties regarding completeness, accuracy, or suitability.

By using our Website, You acknowledge and accept these terms. We recommend seeking professional advice for specific mental health concerns.



eMindAlly is not liable for any medical care, guidance, or services provided by the Clinicians. We disclaim liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages arising from the use of our platform, except as required by law.

You acknowledge that your access to and use of any information and the services provided on Our Website are entirely at your own risk. It is possible that the information and services may contain inaccuracies or errors.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, eMindAlly expressly disclaims all liability (including for negligence) for any loss, damage, injury, expense, or cost incurred by you arising out of accessing, downloading, using, or relying on any of the information or services, including but not limited to the following circumstances:

1.      If you are unable to use or access Our Website (or experience any delay in doing so).

2.      If the Website provides incorrect or inappropriate information.

3.      If the Website or information provided therein is used for a purpose other than their intended use.

4.      If the online services or information contain errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

5.      If you are unable to obtain consistent, reliable, and uninterrupted access to our online services.

6.      If there is damage or interference to your mobile device or other hardware, software, or equipment due to the access of any linked website.

7.      If you rely on an interpretation or opinion stated in, or inferred from, the online services or information.

8.      If there is a delay or failure to receive information from Us that you have subscribed to.

9.      If inaccurate information is available from any Websites accessed via a link on our online services.

By using Our Website, You accept and agree to these terms.


We may update these Terms at our discretion without prior notice. Continued use of our platform indicates acceptance of the updated Terms. The latest version is always available on our website.


These Terms and Conditions and any agreement including these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales Australia, and the parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales, Australia.


By using the eMindAlly Website and Services, You acknowledge and agree to these Terms and Conditions.


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